Saturday, February 26, 2011

Valentine's Day 2011

Ben and I have never been huge fans of Valentine's Day.. to both of us it's just another day but one you're supposed to do something nice for your significant other. We both believe every day should be special.. giving me something on the one day you're supposed to doesn't seem special.. With all of that said I came home on Valentine's Day from working a long day to have dinner cooked and ready when I walked in!! This isn't unlike Ben but it was a surprise and I was very grateful!!

Also, a few days ago I came home from yet another long day of dealing with patients to find that Ben dusted and vacuumed!!!! He is always willing to help when I'm cleaning but I'm so OCD I'd rather do it myself.. He doesn't complain :) so anytime I come home to find something done without me asking is so refreshing!!

I love my husband and all he does for our family!!

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