Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Day

Sarah's definition of Valentine's Day: a reason you're supposed to do something nice for the significant other in your life. To me this Holiday has always been... not my favorite. I know you're thinking, man she must be really unhappy. Negative, I am in love with my best friend!! I just think you should do something nice, extra special for your loved one on random days, not just because you're supposed to. My husband is happy I feel this way - haha We say happy Valentine's Day to each other & that's it.. no cards, no flowers, no candy, just a "good game slap on the butt." I am enjoying reading all your blogs about how sweet & sappy some couples get. To each their own, it's just not us.

I know there are people reading this that are either single wanting a wife/husband or married longing for a child.. you are not alone!! I've said many times that Ben & I let go and let God when it comes to our future. I must admit, it's way harder than just saying that... actually believing & trusting that is the hard part!! Please continue to pray for Ben & I as we encounter each day and the emotions it brings...

God's plan is perfect
God's plan is perfect
God's plan is perfect

I am learning to be patient and trust in the above, even when I don't agree...

1 comment:

jessica said...

it is so hard to remember His plan is perfect...especially after all we have been through. But you are is. I am here if you ever need someone to talk or even cry to. please don't hesitate to call! i think about the three of you often.