Happy Birthday Ben!! Today Ben turns 30, I cannot believe it & neither can he... he says he feels old but I'm pretty sure he's just saying that?! He was flooded with cards from friends & family members, if you were one that sent one thank you so much!! Since he's in school & our budget is tight these days we didn't do anything over the top.. we celebrated tonight with his immediate family.. it was a double birthday party for him & Trent, our brother-in-law. We had a great time and ate way too much as always!! We're planning on going out to eat with my fam one night this week..
Ben - I know I tell you all the time how much I love you but I hope you know how much I mean it!! I never imagined that we would go through losing a child together.. I only envisioned the happy times of bringing one home, taking care of him/her together, I could go on and on.. Instead God chose our daughter earlier than we planned, no one could've prepared me for the deep impact that has had on my life. I couldn't of asked for a stronger, more supportive partner to of gone through that with. Our love is now deeper and stronger than ever, I can't wait to grow old with you and see what plans God has for us!!
the dinner table Mary Ann set up, perfect!!


Katherine brought these yummy cheese cake bites for dessert!!

the birthday boy & me

Avery likes to think she's 20lbs & sit in my lap.. pitiful

Trent & Katherine (Happy early birthday Trent, his is on the 29th)

Avery passed out after playing with all of her cousins

Mary Ann, Avery & myself on the couch

It looks like Avery has a spot @ the table.. that's just her sitting on her booty, she's a big girl!!

Phil is usually the one taking pictures so we made sure he got in one!!

this one is minus Phil, plus Trent!!

Our family!!